So far, the issues of movements have focussed on one particular topic. With the upcoming issue 4 (2), to be published in October 2018, we will change our approach. For various reasons, we feel that the restricting issues to specific topics, is not the right way forward. First, we would like to be able to respond more quickly to current developments in the field of migration and border studies, which is after all characterised by a high dynamic. Secondly, we would like to encourage debate and discussion, but a response to a previous article will certainly never fit into the topic of the following issues. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, we feel that movements should be more open to topics in critical border and migration studies which we as the board might not immediatly notice. We are proud that the contributors to movements hail from diverse backgrounds and fields, and would like to accomodate this diversity more strongly.
To this end, we are issuing, for the first time, an open call. Of course movements remains focussed on being a journal for critical migration and border studies. We therefore encourage submissions of critical contributions on the topics of migration, border and racism in a broad sense, including fields such as critical surveillance studies, political economy, struggles of migration and refugees, analysis of migration policy, racial profiling and the study of institutions of control. We especially welcome submissions with a perspective on gender and sexuality.
With the open call, we will also change the submission practice. Instead of abstracts, we ask for the submission of completed articles. Contributions can be submitted for three categories:
- Full academic articles, that will undergo double-blind peer review (max. 50.000 characters including whitespace, footnotes and literature references).
- Interventions (max. 10.000 characters).
- Research reports, interviews and book reviews (max 15.000 characters).
The editorial board of movements reserves the right to make a first assessment if a contribution should be published in general. Concerning full academic articles, in case of a positive decision these are then forwarded to double-blind peer review. Comments and requests for change will be discussed between the author and the editorial board of movements in a transparent and constructive process. Final decisions on the acceptance of contributions are made by movements’ editorial board.
Articles (no abstracts!) have to be submitted by February 1st 2018.
Contributions may be in English or German, other languages on request.
All submissions have to adhere to the stylesheet of movements.
For further questions and submissions of articles:
For more information on the journal and the review process see
The stylesheet